Yale has a high-quality audio recording service at 135 College Street, Lower Level. The recording studio has several professional microphones and remote connection capabilities. Distribution of audio files can be done. For more information about starting a podcast or distributing audio files, Email: ryan.mcevoy@yale.edu
SoundCloud is an online audio-only distribution platform which allows collaboration, promotion and distribution of audio recordings. Audio files shared on SoundCloud have the ability to be embedded directly in several popular social networking sites (Facebook, Twitter, etc.) or on your website. Yale uses SoundCloud for audio-only podcasts that are intended to be shared over social networking platforms or embedded directly in your Yale website.
If you have 4+ podcasts in a series or on the same topic, we can create a set of your podcasts so that users can see all of your content in one place. We will require that you provide us a title and brief description of your set before creating your set. See examples of sets here.
We also provide a free professional voice-over introduction for any podcast going on Yale's official channels. If you wish to utilize this service for your podcast, please provide a script in our Media Tracking Tool (detailed below).
Requirements for a audio-only podcast going up on SoundCloud
Legal Requirements
Permission Form: Each person who speaks in a podcast needs to sign a Yale Office of General Counsel’s Speaker’s Permission Form. This includes Yale Faculty and Staff. We cannot distribute the content without this permission form signed.
Once your speaker has signed the form, please keep one copy for your records and copy & upload the PDF to your Item in the Media Tracking Site (instructions below).
Fair Use: If a podcast contains copyrighted media (audio from movies, music tracks, etc.) we must confirm with you that Yale has permission to disseminate this content. Permission must be granted by the content originator to allow Yale to distribute the content on any and all dissemination platforms. If you believe your use of copyrighted content is Fair Use, please utilize the Office of General Counsel’s Fair Use Tool to determine if it is Fair Use and document your findings.
Technical Requirements
High quality audio: Oftentimes, we must turn down podcasts provided to us by organizations who recorded the podcast themselves and used their computer's built-in microphone rather than a studio microphone input, or recorded the podcast in an environment with a lot of distracting background noise. If the speaker sounds like s/he’s in a cardboard box or if sirens or speaking in the background can be heard, the audio is likely not up to par.
Metadata Requirements
SoundCloud requires a minimum amount of metadata for upload: Title, Description and Keywords. We’ll ask you for a little bit more in the Media Tracking Tool, so we can identify your media file or event. But the basics are:
Title: Usually the title of the lecture, or the broad topic of discussion in the video
Description: A paragraph or two about the lecture, lecture series, speaker, and other relevant information a viewer should know. Please feel free to include links to your website here; they will be hyperlinked in YouTube.
Keywords: These are words that are associated with your topic, lecture, department or event that may or may not appear in the title or description of your video. They will be displayed in the details of your podcast.
Ready to Submit your Content?
Submit your Request: Contact Ryan.McEvoy@yale.edu to begin the process of submitting content.